Recommended Law School Resources For Visual Learners
Books, Videos, Tutors & More
Here, I recommend resources that I have used and LOVE. I wouldn't recommend it unless I trust it for myself. Links to books and programs may have affiliate links. They help to support this website and getting the word out to help other law students.
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Albert Einstein
Scott Caron
Law Tutor
If you want to go from floundering to flying in law school, Scott Caron is your law tutor. I went from being overwhelmed to laser focused in just one session thanks to Scott. He gives you direct answers and explanations. Scott explains concepts visually and metaphorically so you can learn concepts quickly and easily. It doesn't hurt that he's an actual law professor, too.
Here is his Wyzant Profile
Essay Exam Writing
Fast Outlines & Useful Essay Writing Strategies
I can't stop telling people how much I love this book. It sits as my main book on my desk, especially for 1L topics (torts, criminal law, and contracts). The attack sheets and issues lists give you what you need to actually take the FYLSE and Bar Exam. Get it!
Deconstructing Legal Analysis
Write The Perfect Essay
Are your essays too conclusionary? Do your analysis sections suck? Want to stop feeling horrible every time you write a legal issue spotting essay? Get this book - like yesterday! The explanations are taught in a visual way - I could kiss Peter T. Wendel. Really. I could.